


Note to Customer: If you see a backorder message on any of our products please be advised that when the product comes back into stock the price may vary up or down. So if you decide to wait for it please keep these facts in mind. Remember JSTlovetoys offers 3 to 7 days delivery and high quality products with special shipping available. For more affordable prices you may order from our which will be available in middle or late November 2022. Please be aware when making such a decision shipping time is from 2 to 7 weeks sometimes longer. Depending on which country.

21 in stock (can be backordered)

SKU: SE196450 Category:


Cocky Cop Love Doll from California Exotic Novelties. Check out my night stick! Ride my tight ass! Deep throat action. The Cocky Cop Love Doll is ready to lock and load your pleasure. The thrilling male sex doll features a life like inflatable design, 2 naughty love holes, and rock hard cock that is always ready for a ride. The tight love holes are sure to create a wonderland of pleasure for any member willing to slip inside. The rock hard dong has a ripple life like texture for a knee shaking ride. The full body design is great for anyone wanting a little more from their pleasure play. Specifications: SKUSE-1964-50-3. Color Ivory, Light Skin Tone. 1 year warranty. Material type: PVC. Features: Phthalate Free, Waterproof. Measurements 5.5 inches Penis. Bulk weight 19.5 ounces. Package 21.9 ounces. Package shipping size: 3.1 inches by 8.4 inches by 11.1 inches. Categories: Adult Party Supplies, For the Bachelor Party, Adult Gags, Gifts and Novelties, For the Bachelorette Party, Sex Dolls, Male Love Dolls. 2022.

Additional information

Weight1.25 lbs
Dimensions8.4 × 3.1 × 11.1 in